Nature memory

flows in your mind.    

About Mivrae

Mivrae는 자연에서 느꼈던 안온함을 도자기에 담아냅니다. ‌

박미래 작가의 도자기 브랜드인 Mivrae는 자연에서 발견한 선을 모티브로

자연을 가까이 두고자 하는 이들의 공간에 자연의 생동감을 도자기를 통해 선사합니다.

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Nature memory flows in your mind

'Mivrae' is a ceramic living brand that puts the vitality of nature into ceramics with the motif of nature line.

‘Mivrae’ presents vases, tableware, and living objects that contain the vitality and comfort of nature in spaces for those who want to keep nature close.

The ceramics of ‘Mivrae’ are made with the desire to melt into everyday life as living objects.

I hope you can create a special space and time with ceramic items that contain your own taste.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.



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Mivrae  ㅣ  Park Mirae 

대표 : 박미래 | 

서울시 성북구 하월곡동 81-427 1층 | Tel : 070-7954-1025

BUSINESS NO. 602-17-19282

ONLINE LICENSE 2023-서울성북-1486

BANK INFO. 하나은행 166-910683-40007 박미래(미브래)